Our partner, Suzanne Kaplan-Fonseca, was recognized on NYC radio station WQXR.
From supporting corporate clients to engaging in volunteer work, our partners are committed to communication as a tool to elevate.
Jeff Spurgeon, longtime WQXR radio host, featured the work of Suzanne and her team of Instrumentors in an Out-the-Door Dedication. Suzanne founded a group, The Instrumentors, in the spring of 2022 and this is their story.
Suzanne received an email from a former New York University colleague who was seeking language education for a Ukrainian musicologist - Dr. Vadym Rakochi. He had, coincidentally, arrived in New York as a Fulbright Scholar just before the war broke out. Unable to return to Ukraine as planned, he suddenly needed to prepare to orchestrate his career in research and teaching in English indefinitely, a most unexpected consequence.
Within 48 hours of Suzanne’s colleague's inquiry, she had assembled a team of professionals willing to volunteer their time in a two-month intensive summer program tailored to the language and pedagogical needs of the musicologist. The project is ongoing. Bridges have been built. Dr. Rakochi began teaching in Europe in English in the fall and continues his research and writing, as well.
The team consisted of Cayla Delardi, Sylvia Picard-Schmidt, Philip Herter, Debra Un, Renee Redmond, and Alex Bernstock (who stepped in to assist by teaching elementary German!) who jumped in headfirst to meet needs, and work just a touch of magic.